martes, 15 de noviembre de 2016

Journalists of the Week: Halloween Edition

Here are just a few of the moments captured from Halloween at Ciudad Pegaso:

 Look!! Here are some 3rd Grade monsters ready to party 😄

The 4th Grade were really creative with their costumes this year.

Wow!! The haunted house was incredible (and super scary too).

The playground was full of scary witches and beautiful princesses!

The Amazing Spidermen were in Ciudad Pegaso!!!

Enter if you DARE!!!

The passage to hell!!!!

 The mummy door was scary. The assistant Clarel, teacher Irene and the 2nd Grade did a great job.

Come in and explore our instruments of terror.

The 1st Grade brought some love amongst the terror with their big friendly monster!!

Written by: Inés, Rodrigo, Aaron and Yuliana from 5ºA

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